What am I doing!

What am I doing!

This year it has been difficult to find time for myself. In between relief teaching and looking after my two young children, I have had no time to spare for my art. Our whole family had covid, (for the first time!) and there has been non-stop sickness since. Winter! Uggh.

But I feel a change coming. It's brewing away in the background and starting to gently edge into the foreground. Creativity cannot be pushed. Sometimes I create in a whirr of activity, and other times, I am slow and reflective, drinking coffee in my studio and ordering products, not ready to start a piece.

This year, I am aiming for more exposure, entering in more exhibitions.  I had a fabulous time walking around the Wellington Art Expo with friends and made a commitment to showing my art there in 2024.  I had the opportunity to have my art shown in Nelson's RAW exhibition earlier this year and have currently sent work to show in the Ruapehu Art Awards.

Finally, I have my newest series up - Crush. It's all about that feeling of falling, or daydreaming, about a crush. Intense and emotive, vivid and memorable. This series captures that unique moment in time through vibrant colours, layered dream like textures and hidden pieces that reveal themselves.

Now that my creative juices are recharged I can't wait to get painting. Better get the coffee on!




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