Coffee, Cafes and Art

Coffee, Cafes and Art

Yesterday I spent the morning putting up some pieces I’ve made in cafes. It’s the first time I’ve put myself out there in the community, and I found that imposter syndrome, while still there, actually had a back seat role instead of up the front! 

Seasalt cafe and bar in Eastbourne had the perfect seaview for my seascape pieces and the funky and vibrant Hive cafe in the village was perfect for my bright and bold Above Below piece.

I realised the art picked looked absolutely perfect in situ at both locations and I felt pride and actually *squeee* like an artist.

Someone watching the installation asked who had painted the piece and gave me such good feedback about it. About what she could see and how it made her feel. I could see my art connecting with her and it was an amazing feeling.

Next week I’ll be installing more art at The Botanist in Lyall Bay. I have some lush greens and multimedia pieces to put up there.

I love looking at art in cafes, do you?



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